Our music & the unconsciousness. So you may ask: what is it
all about? For me, it can be all focused & described in one
sentence: "This music finds the direct way to the unconsciousness!"
It's pure emotion. It overcomes the borders of the conscious brain,
the cortex.
There are many ways to express these feelings of transcendence when
you have experienced it (like "a journey to my inner self",
"music to activate the right side of the brain", "it
touched something deep inside but I can't really describe it",
or "I was in a strange state of trance, thoughts and visions
came somehow automatically").
But at the end it's all the same, it's the contact with our "deeper
brain", the unconscious brain. New brain science emphasizes
the overall importance of the "emotional brain" and leaves
behind the usual concept that only the cortex is necessary for human,
higher functions of thinking and that it rules our life.
The emotional brain, based in the limbic system, is much more important
for any action & thinking than previously assumed. It is the
part of us we can hardly realize or describe in words. It's the
non-verbal side of being, and therefore I think music or any art
that is capable of reaching this unconscious side in us is very
important, as the basic rational thinking is ignored in this process!
That's why we don't do rational music at all, it's pure emotional
To "feel" the more unconscious side of us through music
can be a "Peak Experience" (in the sense of Maslow), can
lead to a more holistic point of view, to feel the core of our existence,
the light & the dark, joy & fears of our deeper mind.
baraka[H], 12-12-1999
"These are dreams, dreamed by dreamers, who are awake"
Troum is a duo located in Bremen, Germany, established
in early 1997. The two members "GlitH" and "Baraka[H]" were active
before in the influental ambient industrial group Maeror Tri (which existed from 1988 to 1996). Troum is the old german word for "DREAM".
The dream seen as a central manifestation of the unconscious symbolizes the aim of Troum to lead the listener into a hypnotizing dream-state of
mind, a pre-verbal and primal consciousness sphere. Troum uses music as the direct path to the Unconscious, pointing to the archaic "essence" of
the humans inner psyche. Troum tries to create music that works like a direct transformation of unconscious matter.
Troum's creations are influenced
by post-industrial, minimal and drone-music. Both members use guitar, bass, voice, accordion, balalaika, flute, mouth-organ, melodica, gong, field
recordings, pre-recorded-tapes and a diversity of sound-objects to build a kind of multi-layered and highly atmospheric dreaming-muzak. Their sound
could be described as "dark atmospheric ambient industrial", "transcendental noise" or just "Tiefenmusik".
Troum doesn't work with synths, samplers or computer-soundsources, the sounds are created "by hand" to reach a broader sensibility. Troum
uses a spiral as their logo, expressing the trance-inducing potential of the music and the wish to reach inner, deeper spheres of the mind with
it. Music as a door to unknown & alien dimensions. Music as an expression of the mystery of existence itself.
(January 2006)
Troum - Drone Records
Dank an baraka[H].