Luix Saldaña and Wolfgang Sterneck
on Inner Utopias and Social Beats
The Cybertribe-Vision connects the wisdom of ancient cultures
wth the understanding of todays developments, it combinates the
expieriences and perceptions of witches, resistence fighters and
and communards, of hackers and psychonauts... At some places it
has a different name, somtimes a different music or a different
style, but its possible to find the basic ideas all over the
Mexican activist Luix Saldaña has written a large descrpion
on visionary ideas under the title Alter-Natives Re-Evolution.
Actually he organises shamanistc workshops, which unfold the
healing powers of the ancient forms of the Mexican Culture.
German based Wolfgang Sterneck is more focused on political and
counter-cultural aspects. He also wrote about different Cybertribe-Visions,
cofounded projects like the Sonics-Network and build up different
cultural projects as a kind of free space.
Wolfgang: The concept of the Cybertribe-Vision comes from the
underground. Its based on the idea of a network of small,
decentralized groups, which replaces authoritarian structures by
collective ones. Like a modern tribe, the Cybertribes refer to the
knowledge of old cultures as well as to contemporary developments.
Shamanistic rituals have as much place in the Cybertribes as Internet
surfing. The using of psychedelic substances has as much place as
resistance against repressive political structures. According to
the Cybertribe concept these currents are not in conflict, rather
they are a step towards a new culture...
Luix: Well this thing about the contemporary different tribes...
For me it is just a matter of forms, aproach and style, because
weather we are from this or that tribe, this or that movement or
that culture, it all comes down to the basic fact that we all are
hungry for a cleaner way of life. My dream-image of tribal life
is the kaleidoscope, and when i look into that cosmic tube i see
a many sided flower... Each petal equally beautiful, equally important,
equally needed: none dealing with the most important
world issue, none having a monopoly on truth... All holding a piece
of the puzzle, a piece of the universal truth. A rolling kaleidoscope
where every one is having the space to expres his or her own truth...
to flower up into a more universal and bigger truth... Within the
alter-natives re-evolutionary document there are many proposals,
but the ultimate proposal of them all, is the dynamic and coordinated
building of ceremonial eco-villages all over the world, with an
emphasis in cultural diversity... Each tribe coming with its own
style, issue and/or area of knowledge or expertice within the alter-native
kaleidoscope: eco-villages organized into different zones according
to preferences and commitments.
Wolfgang: Theres a fundamental need for a radical change to
free the people, free the spirit, free the planet ... But its
hard not to loose all the hope and trust... I cant see a real
chance for such a fundamental change. The worlwide system of power
and profit is stronger then ever before - not only because of military
power, but specialy for the reason that it is inside the people
... Its a daily fight for the dreams inside... and many people
lost in this fight their inner utopia and lost their ability to
make this utopia real...
Luix: I think it is up to us, the biggest dreamers...
The ones willing to make bigger moves to stir the thick soup of
stagnation, the ones that are still resisting domestication to come
together to shape a world in the form of our dreams... We need to
become bolder with strenght and humility, we need that to cross
cultural barriers and come to talk with different leaders of groups.
I think that we really must become missionaries to build bridges
of unity, organization, creativity, faith, detachment, boldness
and commitment etc. All those being the most needed elements to
generate the collective energy towards the completion of those higher
aims. I think is truth what you say of individuals loosing their
inner-utopia, but at the same time i see that we all are hungry
for truth and many are willing to grab onto any that is offered,
specially if it plays the right chords.
Wolfgang: In some aspects your ideas reminds me to the Yippies,
the political fraction of the Hippies in the late sixties. They
questioned the system in a very radical way and tried to resist
not only on a abstract level, but in every little thing they do.The
68-movement as a whole has changed sexuality, education, relation
to authority etc but at the end they lost, the system was stronger
... Allthough I dont believe in the possibilty of a big
change in the near future I see the necessity to fight for
a change with the possibilties we have ... and even we cant
change fundamentaly the system at the moment we can be a sandcorn
in the big machinery and maybe ... Adorno, a great german philosopher
once said, There is no right life in the wrong one which
means that we are a part of the system in our daily life even if
we not want to. You have to buy things, you have to get money by
work, everywhere you must compromise even if you try to go an completly
different way. So there is realy no right life in the wrong
one but my answer is that we have to get as near as possible
in our daily life ... and make a smal part of the dream come to
reality today not in a far away tommorrow after a kind of revolution
someday ...
Luix: My personal hope feeds from the power of the spirit and in
the relization that comes from my involvement, work and conviviance
with different tribal cultures; urban, alter and native. Alter-native
knowledge that is not to be found in official institutions. Also
in the fact that some of those tribes are having acces to money,
technology, knowledge and all kinds of resources... Deep in my soul
i believe that truth, love and spirit are stronger than any thing
else... We just need to be united with commitment, organization
and good will... You are very right: we must act in good faith at
every moment... and as you sketch it, we are swiming in the slime;
but there are some of us that are trying hard not to indulge too
much in it... So to live the right life and try my best
within the beauty walk... I do what i can to practice but sometimes
when i fail to live up to those higer standars (which it happens
quite often), i have also learned not to be too hard on myself...
and i guess it all comes down to a state of mind where you try your
best to conect on a daily basis with the positive side of the whole
expectrum of existence... and even if the whole thing seams hopless,
persitance in resistance is in itself an act of hope.
Wolfgang: You wrote about the Techno-Underground as a movement
that changes social structures in a positive way ... Well, in western
Europe 1992 a process began, which increased in intensity, that
is characteristic for almost all youth movements of the last decades
and the connected music styles like rocknroll or punk.
After the commercial potential of a new cultural development becomes
clear, a phase of sellout and integration by the music buisness
and large companies of the cigarettes- and clothes-industrie begins.
This development led to a degeneration of the mainstream culture
into a market-oriented and largely meaningless style. Techno is
an example for this... But side by side with the commercialization
of the Techno-culture there still exist different underground scenes,
which in some cases still have an important role in breaking ground
both musically and in content. However, here also the spectrum of
projects is very broad. Some projects orientate their work primarily
on the goal of commercial breakthrough, some others are basically
interested in good music and intense parties... But there are also
groups which represent a clearly counter-cultural point of view.
They understand for example their parties and events as social free
spaces in the sense of a temporary autonomous zone, which is based
on collective and non-commercial values. So there is still an idealistic
Underground, but its small...
Luix: I guess i am a terminal optimist, and what i really see in
the techno/rave underground scene (as in many other scenes), is
the potential for collective change and the endless posibilities
that can come out of a real tribal commitment... Because really
what i have observed in most tribal situations is a great majority
having a good time in their own terms, and a small core of true
committed individuals working for the change... So for
me it all comes down to the creation of a net-work with those few
that are really commited; establish communication channels and together
come up with a few creative and bold schemes to harnness all the
good intentions of the tribal beast... channel that energy, focuse
those philosophies and act on it.
Wolfgang: There are some examples for networks like the north-american
The Gathering of the Tribes or the german-based Sonics
- Cybertribe-Network for Rhythm and Change. Some groups of
this network have their focal point in the organization of imaginative
parties, some others experiment with forms of musical expression,
some projects have a counter-cultural point of view, some provide
information mostly about psycho-active substances. They have a great
variety, but they are all idealistic communities, they are little
cybertribes. One of the main activities was the Join the Cybertribe
festival as a connection between party and conference, which included
workshops, performances, rituals, live-acts, films, exhibitions,
sessions and experiments about subjects like culture, consciousness,
politics and cybertribes ...
Luix: In Mexico there is a week long, yearly gathering which is
called the Council of Visions. It has been held eight
times. The organization which exist since 1989 is done by a group
of activists, i will say that we are a family coming from different
walks of life. The structure of the gathering is nothing new, it
takes from here and there: but what makes it unique is the experience,
the contacts, the cultural diversity and the commitment of the organizers,
each one of them is a leader in his/her own right. See we are commited
to the use of informed consensus as a tool for working groups and
communities and that really makes life easier when you are dealing
with a bunch of radicals. At the event the individual comes to registration
and right there he or she is offered such a wide variety of options
for participation, that the person ends up totally involved and
being an active part in the whole thing; the working structure of
the event offers you the choices of kitchen, security, manteinance,
office, letrines, supplies, support etc. ... The teaching/learning
themes are covered by seven sub-councils: Ecology, Traditions
and Ceremonies, Healing Arts, Sacred Calendars and Magic, Arts and
Culture, Youth Council and Children's Council. Each of this councils
is lead or focalized by a experienced brother or sister, and is
charged with the task of organizing activities for the whole week;
workshops, on site samples and demostrations and entertainment.
An emphasis on cultural diversity is promoted, so you have punks,
ecologists, rainbows, anarquists, bioregionalists, ravers, indians,
square-heads, healers, shamans, NGO's and all types of creatures
working side by side for a whole week... At our last gathering which
was held in chiapas, we were visited by a couple of zapatista delegations
and liasions and commitment were reinforced, and strategies for
a peaceful change were shared...
(Remixed Version)
Luix Saldaña : www.xocotzin.org
Wolfgang Sterneck : www.sterneck.net
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